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Saturday, June 12, 2021

General Science Quiz

General Science Quiz  


1. Which of the following is not a fertilizer mineral?

(a) Nitrate (b) Phosphate (c) Tungsten (d) Potash (Ans : c)


2. Clean Energy Ministerial Conferences were held in–

I. 2010-Washington, 2012-London, 2013-Merida

II. 2013-New Delhi, 2014-Seoul, 2016-London

III. 2011-Abu Dhabi, 2012-London, 2015-Merida, 2016-Islamabad

IV. 2010-Washington, 2012-London, 2014-Seoul, 2016-San Francisco

(a) I and III are true (b) Only II is true, (c) Only IV is true (d) None of these (Ans : c)


3. The largest island of the world is–

(a) Borneo (b) Andaman and Nicobar (c) Greenland (d) Singapore (Ans : c)


4. For a time difference of one hour, the longitudinal distance is–

(a) 15° (b) 30° (c) 45° (d) 60° (Ans : a)


5. Fog which consists of large particles of moisture is called–

(a) Mist (b) Dew (c) Cloud (d) None of these (Ans : a)


6. Which type of soil is brought about and deposited by winds?

(a) Yellow soil (b) Red soil (c) Black soil (d) Sandy soil (Ans : d)


7. Who among the following discovered and propounded the theory of displacement of water?

(a) Newton (b) Archimedes (c) John-Dalton (d) Kepler (Ans : b)


8. The law of falling bodies was discovered by–

(a) Archimedes (b) Galilee (c) Darwin (d) Albert Einstein (Ans : b)


9. Insulin was invented by–

(a) F. Banting (b) Alexander Fleming (c) Robert Koch (d) Dr. Ronald Ross (Ans : a)


10. Which of the following physical quantities is different from others?

(a) Work (b) Kinettc energy (c) Force (d) Potential energy (Ans : c)


11. The following water of the river possesses which type of energy?

(a) Gravitational (b) Potential (c) Electrical (d) Kinetic (Ans : d)


12. Blood is–

(a) acidic (b) alkaline (c) variable (d) neutral (Ans : b)


13. Widal test is used for

(a) cholera (b) malaria (c) typhoid (d) yellow fever (Ans : c)


14. The acid used in automobile battery is–

(a) HCl (b) HF (c) HNO3 (d) H2SO4 (Ans : d)


15. Which of the following liquids is most fire-prone?

(a) Mobil oil (b) Mercury (c) Petrol (d) Kerosene oil (Ans : c)


16. The coldest temperature on the Earth recorded in East Antarctica is

(a) –53.2°C (b) –83.2°C (c) –53.2°C (d) –95.2°C (Ans : c)


17. The equatorial diameter of the Earth is–

(a) 12756 km (b) 13560 km (c) 13900 km (d) 14657 km (Ans : a)


18. Identify the main salts dissolved in ocean water.

I. Sodium chloride (NaCl) II. Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4)

III. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) IV. Potassium sulphate (K2SO4)

(a) I and II (b) I, II and III (c) I, II, III and IV (d) N6ne of these (Ans : c)


19. The meaning of the word 'terra rossa' is–

(a) yellow soil (b) red soil (c) an island (d) None of these (Ans : b)


20. The longest day in the year is on–

(a) April 20 (b) May 15 (c) June 21 (d) August 30 (Ans : c)


21. Which of the following options correctly shows the planets in descending order of their sizes?

(a) Mars, Earth, Saturn, Mercury (b) Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Venus

(c) Uranus, Earth, Mars, Mercury (d) Saturn, Jupiter, Earth, Venus (Ans : c)


22. Humidity is measured by–

(a) hydrometer (b) barometer (c) hygrometer (d) thermometer (Ans : c)


23. Which of the following seas has the highest salinity content?

(a) Aral Sea (b) Red Sea (c) Baltic Sea (d) Dead Sea (Ans : d)


24. Where trees shed their leaves seasonally is called–

(a) evergreen forest (b) coniferous forest (c) deciduous forest (d) None of these (Ans : c)


25. The animal kingdom found in a particular geographical area is called–

(a) flora (b) fauna (c) biosphere (d) None of these (Ans : b)




1. Animal(s) which is/are active at night–

(A) owl (B) rat (C) cockroach (D) All the above (Ans : D)


2. Plants are green because of the presence of a pigment called–

(A) glucose (B) nitrogen (C) chlorophyll (D) oxygen (Ans : C)


3. Which of the following is negative effects on the soil and water due to conventional, mechanized farming practices ?

(A) Soil compaction (B) Reduction in soil organic matter (C) Soil erosion

(D) Leaching of pesticides and fertilizers into the ground-water (E) All of the above (Ans : E)


4. In our country the Van Mahotsav Day is observed on–

(A) Second of October (B) First of December (C) Tenth of August (D) First of July (Ans : D)


5. A major in-stream use of water is for–

(A) producing hydroelectric power (B) dissolving industrial wastes (C) agricultural irrigation

(D) domestic use (E) None of the above (Ans : A)


6. Biotic environment includes

(A) producers (B) consumers (C) decomposers (D) All of the above (Ans : D)


7. Air is composed of gases, water vapours and–

(A) dust particles (B) rainfall (C) snowfall (D) light (Ans : A)


8. The concentration of which gas is highest in our environment?

(A) Oxygen (B) Hydrogen (C) Nitrogen (D) Carbon dioxide (Ans : C)


9. The three primary soil macronutrients are–

(A) carbon, oxygen, and water (B) copper, cadmium and carbon (C) potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen

(D) boron, zinc and manganese (E) None of the above (Ans : C)


10. The group of organisms which convert light into food are called–

(A) autotrophs (B) heterotrophs (C) decomposers (D) omnivores (Ans : A)


11. Air pollution is caused by-

(A) Insecticides (B) Sewage (C) Smoke (D) Loud speakers (Ans : C)


12. Which of the following is not a primary contributor to the green- house effect ?

(A) Carbon dioxide (B) Carbon monoxide (C) Chlorofluorocrbons (D) Methane gas (E) Nitrous oxide (Ans : C)


13. Vermicomposting is done by–

(A) fungus (B) bacteria (C) worms (D) animals (Ans : C)


14. Which of the following wastes cannot be decomposed by bacteria to form compost?

(A) Kitchen wastes (B) Plastic and polythene bags (C) dead plants (D) bodies of insects living in the soil (Ans : B)


15. Which one of the following is not biodegradable?

(A) vegetables (B) fruits (C) earthworm (D) aluminium foil (Ans : D)


16. The increase in the concentration of CO2 in our environment in last fifty years; since 1960 is about–

(A) 20% (B) 10% (C) 14% (D) 6% (Ans : C)


17. Which of the following is not an important characteristic of the Green Revolution?

(A) Mechanized agriculture (B) Hybrid seeds (C) Slash and bum

(D) Monoculture (E) All of the above are characteristic of the Green Revolution (Ans : C)


18. An animal that can tolerate the heat of the desert is–

(A) rats (B) camel (C) cow (D) lion (Ans : B)


19. Which of the following problems is not created by noise pollution?

(A) Diarrhoea (B) Hypertension (C) Deafness (D) Irritation (Ans : A)


20. The depletion in the Ozone layer is caused by–

(A) nitrous oxide (B) carbon dioxide (C) chlorofluorocarbons (D) methane (E) all of the above (Ans : C)


21. Abiotic environment does not include–

(A) air (B) water (C) soil (D) plants (Ans : D)


22. Which of the following is not considered as part of water use planning?

(A) Waste water treatment (B) Water diversion projects (C) Storm sewer drainage

(D) Salinization (E) Water use planning considers all of the above issues (Ans : E)


23. Decomposers include–

(A) bacteria (B) fungi (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) animals (Ans : C)


24. If waste materials contaminate the source of drinking water which of the following diseases will spread ?

(A) Scurvy (B) Typhoid (C) Malaria (D) Anaemia (Ans : B)


25. Which of the following is not a major source of groundwater contamination?

(A) Agricultural products (B) Landfills (C) Septic tanks

(D) Underground storage tanks (E) All of the above are major sources of groundwater contamination (Ans : C)




1. Stem is modified into cladode :

(A) Casuarina (B) Asparagus (C) Opuntia (D) Euphorbia


2. Verticillaster type of inflorescence is found in :

(A) Cotton (B) Datura (C) Lilium (D) Ocimum


3. A simple one seeded fruit in which pericarp is fused with seed coat is :

(A) Achene (B) Caryopsis (C) Cypsela (D) Nut


4. The portion of DNA which contains information for an entire polypeptide is called :

(A) Cistron (B) Muton (C) Recon (D) Operon


5. Bicarpellary, syncarpous ovary with axile placentation is seen in :

(A) Solanaceae (B) Caesalpinaceae (C) Asteraceae (D) Malvaceae


6. Alburnum is also called :

(A) Autumn wood (B) Heart wood (C) Sap wood (D) Spring wood


7. The entry of pollen tube into the ovule through micropyle is called :

(A) Porogamy (B) Mesogamy (C) Anisogamy (D) Chalazogamy


8. Type of pollination in Commelina is :

(A) Chasmogamy (B) Geitonogamy (C) Xenogamy (D) Cleistogamy


9. The process of embryo formation without fertilization is known as :

(A) Apospory (B) Apogamy (C) Parthenocarpy (D) Polyembryony


10. Which of the process Cholodny-Went theory is concerned with ?

(A) Photomorphogenesis (B) Photoperiodism (C) Phototropism (D) Photorespiration


11. The hormone present in the liquid endosperm of coconut is :

(A) Cytokinin (B) Gibberellin (C) Ethylene (D) Auxin


12. The phytohormone which influences apical dominance growth is :

(A) IAA (B) ABA (C) GA3 (D) C2H4


13. An example of short day plant is :

(A) Wheat (B) Maize (C) Chrysanthemum (D) Radish


14. The ovary after fertilization is converted into :

(A) Embryo (B) Endosperm (C) Fruit (D) Seed


15. The molecular formula of Chlorophyll ‘a’ is :

(A) C55H72O5N4Mg (B) C55H70O5N4Mg

(C) C55H72O6N4Mg (D) C50H72O5N4Mg


16. The first compound that accepts CO2 during dark phase is :

(A) NADP (B) Ferrodoxin (C) RUBP (D) Cytochrome


17. Initiation codon for methionine is :



18. The deficiency of this micronutrient results in little leaf disease :

(A) Copper (B) Zinc (C) Boron (D) Iron


19. Kranz anatomy is a morphological diversity in the leaves of :

(A) C3-plants (B) C4-plants (C) C3 and C4-plants (D) CAM plants


20. Prechilling treatment to break seed dormancy is :

(A) Scarification (B) Stratification (C) Impaction (D) Vernalization


21. The pyruvic acid formed during glycolysis is oxidized to CO2 and H2O in a cycle called :

(A) Calvin cycle (B) Nitrogen cycle (C) Hill reaction (D) Krebs cycle


22. Respiratory quotient (RQ) is one in case of :

(A) Fatty acids (B) Nucleic acids (C) Carbohydrates (D) Organic acids


23. An example of free living nitrogen fixing aerobic bacteria is :

(A) Clostridium (B) Rhizobium (C) Azotobacter (D) Rhodospirillum


24. Identify the plant belonging to the Reed-Swamp stage in hydrarch succession :

(A) Juncus (B) Sagittaria (C) Salix (D) Trapa


25. A gas produced by paddy fields and connected with global warming is :

(A) CO2 (B) Chlorine (C) H2S (D) Methane


26. If the strong partner is benefited and the weak partner is damaged, it is known as :

(A) Predation (B) Allelopathy (C) Symbiosis (D) Commensalism


27. Acid rain is mainly caused due to increase in the levels of the gas(es) :

(A) SO2 only (B) CO2 only (C) SO2, CO2 (D) NO2 and SO2


28. The flow of energy among various trophic levels of an ecosystem is :

(A) Unidirectional (B) Bidirectional (C) Multidirectional (D) Circular


29. Increase in atmospheric temperature due to CO2 is called :

(A) Pasteur effect (B) Green-house effect

(C) Blackman effect (D) Emerson effect


30. The protective-ozone layer is present in :

(A) Ionosphere (B) Stratosphere (C) Troposphere (D) Lithosphere


31. Decomposition of organic matter is brought about by :

(A) Protozoa (B) Plants (C) Micro-organisms (D) None of these


32. The smallest taxon is called :

(A) Class (B) Order (C) Genus (D) Species


33. Which one of the following is the first National Park in India ?

(A) Kanha National Park (B) Periyar National Park

(C) Corbett National Park (D) Bandipur National Park


34. Which one of the following is having ssRNA ?

(A) TMV (B) T2-bacteriophage (C) Polio Virus (D) CMV


35. In Whittaker’s system of classification, prokaryotes are placed in the kingdom :

(A) Protista (B) Monera (C) Plantae (D) Animalia


36. Virus consists of :

(A) Nucleic acid and protein (B) Nucleic acid (C) Orotein (D) None of these


37. This substance is present in the cell walls of Gram Positive bacteria only :

(A) Peptidoglycan (B) Lipopolysaccharides (C) Teichoic acids (D) None of these


38. Highest degree of polymorphism is found in :

(A) Protozoa (B) Cnidaria (C) Platyhelminthes (D) Arthropoda


39. Sea mouse belongs to phylum :

(A) Mollusca (B) Cnidaria (C) Arthropoda (D) Annelida


40. One of the following animal belongs to Cyclostomata :

(A) Channa (B) Loris (C) Dodo (D) Petromyzon


41. An egg laying mammal is :

(A) Delphinus (B) Macaca (C) Ornithorhynchus (D) Macropus


42. In sharks, one of the following is absent :

(A) Claspers (B) Placoid scales (C) Cartilaginous endoskeleton (D) Air bladder


43. The devil fish and sea hare are :

(A) Molluscs (B) Crustaceans (C) Coelenterates (D) Marine fish and mammal


44. Endothelium of blood vessels is made up of :

(A) Simple cuboidal epithelium (B) Simple squamous epithelium

(C) Simple columnar epithelium (D) Simple non-ciliated columnar


45. In humans, sphincter of Oddi is associated with the opening of :

(A) Common hepatopancreatic duct (B) Pyloric stomach (C) Oesophagus (D) Colon


46. In human beings, the duration of cardiac cycle is :

(A) 0•08 second (B) 0•5 second (C) 0•8 second (D) 8•0 second


47. In which part of nephron, reabsorption is minimum from filtrate ?

(A) Henle’s loop (B) Proximal convoluted tubule

(C) Distal convoluted tubule (D) Collecting duct


48. Which hormone level reaches peak during luteal phase of menstrual cycle ?

(A) Luteinizing hormone (B) Progesterone (C) Follicle stimulating hormone (D) Estrogen


49. The largest subunit of prokaryotic ribosomes is :

(A) 30S (B) 40S (C) 50S (D) 60S


50. Which of the following is a part of endomembrane system of eukaryotic cell ?

(A) Peroxisomes (B) Chloroplasts (C) Mitochondria (D) Golgi complexes


51. Inflammation of joints due to accumulation of uric acid crystals is called as :

(A) Gout (B) Myasthenia gravis (C) Osteoporosis (D) Osteomalacia


52. Chromosomes are visible with chromatids at this phase of mitosis :

(A) Interphase (B) Prophase (C) Metaphase (D) Anaphase


53. Inheritance of ABO blood grouping is an example of :

(A) Dominance (B) Codominance (C) Incomplete dominance (D) All of these


54. In a dihybrid cross between RRYY and rryy parents, the number of RrYy genotypes in F2 generation will be :

(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1


55. Identify a 47, + 21 disorder from the following :

(A) Down’s syndrome (B) Turner’s syndrome

(C) Phenylketonuria (D) Klinefelter’s syndrome


56. Uracil is present in RNA at the place of :

(A) Adenine (B) Guanine (C) Cytosine (D) Thymine


57. Copying genetic information from one strand of DNA into RNA is :

(A) Translation (B) Transcription (C) Transformation (D) Transduction


58. S. L. Miller’s closed flask contained :

(A) CH4 (B) H2 (C) NH3 and Water vapour (D) All of these


59. Change of frequency of alleles in a population results in evolution is proposed in :

(A) Darwin’s theory (B) Lamarck’s theory

(C) Hardy-Weinberg principle (D) De Vries theory


60. One of the following is the vestigial organ in human beings :

(A) Nictitating membrane (B) Spleen (C) Femur (D) Tibia


61. The golden age of reptiles is :

(A) Cenozoic era (B) Palaeozoic era (C) Mesozoic era (D) Silurian period


62. The theory of use and disuse of organ was proposed by :

(A) Darwin (B) Lamarck (C) De Vries (D) Hooker


63. One of the following theories were proposed by Weissman :

(A) Law of inheritance (B) Theory of inheritance of acquired characters

(C) Theory of natural selection (D) Theory of germplasm


64. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny—

this theory is called :

(A) Biogenetic law (B) Law of embryology

(C) Law of acquired characters (D) Law of Bridges


65. The brain capacity of Homoerectus is :

(A) 800 cc (B) 900 cc (C) 1200 cc (D) 1400 cc


66. An example of Innate immunity is :

(A) PMNL-neutrophils (B) T-lymphocytes (C) B-lymphocytes (D) TH cells


67. Cocaine is extracted from :

(A) Erythroxylum coca (B) Cannabis sativa

(C) Papaver somniferum (D) Atropa belladonna


68. The enzyme that cuts DNA is :

(A) DNA-polymerase (B) DNA-ligase

(C) DNA-lyase (D) Restriction endonuclease


69. In the association between two organisms, if one organism is benefited and the other is not benefited, this relationship is known as :

(A) Symbiotism (B) Mutualism (C) Commensalism (D) Parasitism


70. Opiate narcotics drugs are :

(A) Antianxiety (B) Analgesic (C) Hypnotic (D) Antihistamine


71. The drug useful to increase cardiovascular effects in human beings is :

(A) Cocaine (B) Barbiturate (C) Benzodiazetine (D) Insulin


72. In echolocation, the animal that produces high frequency sounds is :

(A) Monkey (B) Butterfly (C) Squirrel (D) Bat


73. Two kingdoms constantly figured in all biological classifications are :

(A) Plantae and Animalia (B) Monera and Animalia

(C) Protista and Animalia (D) Protista and Plantae


74. The dioecious animal is :

(A) Liverfluke (B) Hookworm (C) Tapeworm (D) Earthworm


75. Comb plates are found in :

(A) Adamsia (B) Aurelia (C) Nereis (D) Pleurobrachia


1. Heparin is secreted by—

(A) Fibroblasts (B) Mast cells

(C) Plasmocytes (D) Adipocytes


2. Interdependent genes with related functions, form—

(A) A coadapted gene complex (B) An inversion

(C) A fitness set (D) A super mutation


3. Which of the following animal has rhabditiform larva in its life cycle ?

(A) Ascaris (B) Liverfluke

(C) Hydra (D) Taenia


4. Which of the following Mollusc is cultured in water for producing pearls in India ?

(A) Pinctada (B) Heliotis

(C) Anodonta (D) Mytilus


5. Enzymes promote chemical reaction by—

(A) Reducing the activation energies

(B) Causing the release of heat which acts as a primer

(C) Increasing molecular motion

(D) Changing the free energy difference between substrate and product


6. The modification of hind pair of wings into halteres is the characteristic of—

(A) Lepidoptera (B) Orthoptera

(C) Hemiptera (D) Diptera


7. A molecule of ATP is structurally similar to a molecule of—

(A) RNA molecule (B) DNA molecule

(C) Amino acid (D) Fatty acid


8. Class Trematoda belongs to the phylum—

(A) Platyhelminthes (B) Arthropoda

(C) Mollusca (D) Annelida


9. Albinism is caused due to lack of production of—

(A) Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase (B) Homogentisic acid oxidase

(C) Thiamine pyrophosphate (D) Phenylalanine hydroxylase


10. Maximum power of division is found in the skin layer—

(A) Stratum granulosum (B) Stratum malpighi

(C) Stratum spinosum (D) Stratum corneum


11. Tube feet are characteristic of—

(A) Star fish (B) Cuttle fish

(C) Cray fish (D) Jelly fish


12. Which of the following is egg laying mammal ?

(A) Pangolin (B) Porcupine

(C) Tachyglossus (D) Bat


13. Acetylcholine is responsible for transmission of nerve impulses through—

(A) Dendrites (B) Axons

(C) Cytons (D) Synapses


14. Loss of ability to speak due to defect of vocal organs, is called—

(A) Alalia (B) Alaorina

(C) Alate (D) Albidus


15. Termination of amino acid chain requires codons—




16. ‘A tube within a tube’ body plan is met within—

(A) Hydra (B) Plannaria

(C) Ascaris (D) Fasciola


17. The parts of neurons that perform basic cellular functions, such as protein synthesis, are the—

(A) Somas (B) Axons

(C) Dendrites (D) Synaptic knobs


18. Lewy bodies are found in—

(A) Brain (B) Plasma

(C) Lymph (D) Kidneys


19. A hormone that stimulates the secretion of pancreatic secretions to neutralize the acid chyme from the stomach, is—

(A) Insulin (B) Secretin

(C) Oxytocin (D) Glucagon


20. Which of the following pair is correctly matched ?

(A) Excessive perspiration—Xeric adaptation

(B) Parasitism—Interspecific relationship

(C) Uricotelism—Aquatic habitat

(D) Streamline body—Aquatic adaptation


21. Cross bridges, which connect the molecules of a fibril during muscle contraction, are made of—

(A) Actin (B) Collagen

(C) Myosin (D) Creatine phosphate


22. Muscles of alimentary canal are chiefly—

(A) Striated and neurogenic (B) Unstriated and neurogenic

(C) Striated and myogenic (D) Unstriated and myogenic


23. The photosensitive parts of rod cells are made up of—

(A) Rhodopsin (B) Myelin

(C) Keratin (D) Actin


24. The protein which maintains the muscular storage of oxygen is—

(A) Myosin (B) Myoglobin

(C) Actomyosin (D) All the above


25. Tiedemann’s bodies are found in—

(A) Sponges (B) Hydra

(C) Asterias (D) Hirudinaria


26. In a normal person at rest the cardiac output or amount of blood pumped per minute by the left ventricle is approximately—

(A) 1/2 litre (B) 1 litre

(C) 2 litres (D) 5 litres


27. Biogeographical regions are also called—

(A) Zones (B) Realms

(C) Epoch (D) Era


28. Human nerve cells develop from the embryonic—

(A) Ectoderm and mesoderm (B) Endoderm

(C) Ectoderm (D) Mesoderm


29. Vertebrate kidney has a following basic unit—

(A) Nephron (B) Ureter

(C) Malpighian tubule (D) All of the above


30. In cladistics—

(A) A clad must contain the common ancestor

(B) Derived characters help construct cladograms

(C) Data for the cladogram is presented

(D) All the above


31. Which of the following organ develops first ?

(A) Liver (B) Heart

(C) Notochord (D) Kidneys


32. The infective stage of malarial parasite is—

(A) Metacryptozoite (B) Cryptozoite

(C) Schizont (D) Sporozoite


33. The ion mainly absorbed in the distal convoluted part of


(A) Na+ (B) K+

(C) Mg++ (D) Po4– –


34. Quadriceps and Gastronemius muscles are present in—

(A) Wrist (B) Hands

(C) Legs (D) Shoulder


35. FSH and LH hormones together are called—

(A) Emergency hormone (B) Gonadotropic hormone

(C) Neuro hormones (D) Outstress hormones


36. Shivering in severe cold is caused by—

(A) Voluntary action of striated muscles

(B) Voluntary action of unstriated muscles

(C) Involuntary action of striated muscles

(D) Involuntary action of unstriated muscles


37. Hypocalcemia is caused due to under secretion of—

(A) Thyroxine (B) Paratharmone

(C) Testosterone (D) Glucagon


38. The emergency hormone in humans is—

(A) Thyroxine (B) Adrenaline

(C) Insulin (D) Progesterone


39. Polio immunising vaccine was developed by—

(A) E. Jenner (B) Dr. Salk

(C) St. Hale (D) Landsteiner


40. In mammals which organ acts as blood bank ?

(A) Heart (B) Lung

(C) Liver (D) Spleen


41. Structure involved in Addison’s disease is—

(A) Adrenal cortex (B) Adrenal medulla

(C) Pituitary (D) Thyroid


42. Biceps and Triceps surround—

(A) Radius (B) Ulna

(C) Humerus (D) Femur


43. Chemical nature of insulin is—

(A) Steroid (B) Lipid

(C) Protein (D) Carbohdyrate


44. Which of these is present in human buccal cavity ?

(A) Ptyalin (B) Trypsin

(C) Lipase (D) Pepsin


45. Outermost covering of brain is—

(A) Choroid (B) Arachnoid

(C) Duramater (D) All of these


46. The application of genetic principles for the improvement of mankind is—

(A) Genetic engineering (B) Biotechnology

(C) Eugenics (D) Anthropology


47. Cockroach and other insects possess an—

(A) Open type vascular system (B) Closed type vascular system

(C) No vascular system (D) Both (A) and (B)


48. Ganglioside is found in—

(A) Nerve (B) Smooth muscles

(C) Carolia muscles (D) Liver cells


49. ‘Metachrosis’ is found in—

(A) Mammals (B) Amphibians

(C) Birds (D) All of these


50. Healthy parents with normal height gave birth to a achondroplasia (dwarf) child. This is due to—

(A) Spontaneous mutation (B) Point mutation

(C) Induced mutation (D) None of these

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